New Addition to WWE NXT Stand & Deliver: Six-Woman Tag Match Announced

New Addition to WWE NXT Stand & Deliver: Six-Woman Tag Match Announced

WWE NXT Stand & Deliver Receives an Explosive Addition in the Final Episode of NXT Before the Big Event

As anticipation mounts for the upcoming WWE NXT Stand & Deliver event, tonight’s episode of NXT delivered an unexpected twist that has fans buzzing with excitement.

In the midst of an ongoing feud, Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley were scheduled to clash once again, promising another chapter in their heated rivalry. Although Jayne emerged victorious, the conclusion of the match was far from conventional.

Accompanied by her allies Jazmyn Nyx, Kiana James, and Izzi Dame, Jayne’s triumph was marred by a series of dramatic events that spilled over beyond the ring. Utilizing innovative camera work, NXT captured the intensity backstage as Jayne seized the opportunity to deliver a fiery promo, reclaiming the spotlight as the ‘main attraction.’

However, the chaos was far from over. As Jayne and her cohorts exited, the stage was set for Henley and her allies, Thea Hail and Kelani Jordan, to confront the aftermath of the match. Tensions reached a boiling point, prompting NXT GM Ava to intervene.

In a decisive move, Ava announced the addition of a high-stakes six-woman tag match to the NXT Stand & Deliver lineup. Set to take place during the premium live event on Saturday, April 6, on Peacock, the match will pit Jacy Jayne, Kiana James, and Izzi Dame against Fallon Henley, Kelani Jordan, and Thea Hail.

With emotions running high and alliances tested, this latest development promises to elevate the excitement surrounding NXT Stand & Deliver to new heights.