Survivor Series Secret: CM Punk’s Unexpected WWE Comeback

Survivor Series Secret: CM Punk's Unexpected WWE Comeback

CM Punk delves into the intricacies of his secretive WWE return at Survivor Series in Chicago during an exclusive interview on the WWE Preview Special 2024.

In this candid discussion, CM Punk sheds light on the rapid sequence of events that transpired on that memorable day:

“Time seems to blur when reminiscing about my return at Survivor Series. The entire day unfolded in a whirlwind. A crucial lesson learned: never text and drive, my friends. As I navigated my way to the Allstate Arena, my priority was to inform those deserving within my inner circle about the impending revelation. My sisters were on the receiving end of those messages because, at that point, nobody was clued in.

“This is the unspoken code of our business.

You keep things tightly under wraps, avoiding leaks at all costs, and that’s when the real magic occurs. It truly was a magical moment, with a multitude of thoughts racing through my mind—nerves, encounters with people I hadn’t seen in a decade, and the array of questions, worries, perhaps even concerns.

“All of those dissipated as the familiar strains of ‘Cult of Personality’ reverberated through the arena, and I made my entrance in front of my hometown crowd.

The reality was different; I couldn’t hear the song cues, couldn’t follow the usual script. As a performer, you’re accustomed to hitting your marks based on the rhythm of the music.

But that day, everything changed. ‘It’s clobbering time’ went unspoken, the song became a distant hum, and all I could hear was the thunderous roar of the crowd—a truly enchanting moment.”

In addition to these revelations, CM Punk doesn’t hold back on the WWE Preview Special 2024, offering candid thoughts on Seth Rollins, sparing no feelings in the process.