Arn Anderson Unaware of the Iconic WCW Heel Turn Unfolding

Arn Anderson Unaware of the Iconic WCW Heel Turn Unfolding

As with many wrestlers, Arn Anderson gradually moved from being just an athlete and was more involved backstage as his career was getting closer to the end. Although he was a producer, Arn Anderson claimed in the episode of the “ARN” podcast, that he had no idea of the Hulk Hogan’s WCW heel turn.

According to Anderson Anderson, just a handful of people probably knew about Hogan’s imminent heel turn. “They were watching and nobody was aware of itthe inner circle of likely three people, possibly Eric [Bischoff] Hogan perhaps one other person. It could be Kevin [Sullivan] who was insane to not have Kevin. Like everybody else: shock.”

Anderson continued to reflect on what he thought of the heel turning that he witnessed at the time and how he dealt with the situation as wrestler. “Immediately while you’re dealing with the producer and agent and you’re still wrestling you view it from many different perspectives. Are you sure that’s going to work? Will they take on Hogan for heel? Can he work heel?”

In addition, “The Enforcer” pointed that Hogan’s major heel turn had been for the industry because it was a feat that had never previously been attempted at the time. “In this industry, there are extremely few chances of having an originality because everything is completed. This is the first time, which is significant for our company.”

He also noted that the event led to “cogs turning” in the business in reference to the exploding of the nWo following Hogan turning his heel.