Name Change in WWE: Butch Pete Dunne Set for Identity Shift

Name Change in WWE: Butch Pete Dunne Set for Identity Shift

On this week’s WWE SmackDown, the prospect of Butch abandoning his current name loomed large. In a backstage segment recorded earlier, Tyler Bate sought out Butch to discuss their tag team match from the previous week.

Bate expressed a strong desire to revive their ‘British Strong Style’ partnership, but Butch appeared to be uncertain about his future direction. Confirming the end of the Brawling Brutes, Butch informed Bate that while he appreciated being on SmackDown, it was time for them to go their separate ways and pursue individual paths.

Despite Bate’s insistence that Butch reflect on his choices for a more informed decision, the revelation of Butch’s new name remained elusive. Tyler Bate inquired about the moniker Butch would adopt for this fresh start, but no definite answer emerged. The scene concluded with a suspenseful cliffhanger, leaving fans to wonder whether Butch would stick with his current identity.

It’s worth noting that Butch, formerly known as Pete Dunne, had used that name from 2010 to 2022.