The Undertaker Reflects on Initial Impressions of WWE Hall of Famer’s Character

The Undertaker Reflects on Initial Impressions of WWE Hall of Famer's Character

The Undertaker Reflects on His Initial Reaction to Mick Foley’s Dude Love Character

WWE Hall of Famer, The Undertaker, has shared his initial thoughts on Mick Foley‘s iconic character, Dude Love. Throughout his illustrious career, The Deadman has encountered a myriad of wrestling personalities, from giants to legends, within the WWE ring.

While The Undertaker is best known for his fierce battles against Foley’s Mankind persona, fans have often wondered about his perspective on Foley’s other alter egos. In a recent episode of the Six Feet Under podcast, The Undertaker delved into the subject of Dude Love and recounted his amusing first encounter with the character, stating:

“I remember when he started portraying Dude Love. He passed me in the hall, and he could tell by the look on my face… I’ve sold more for him than anybody ever.”

Having shared intense experiences in the ring, The Undertaker expressed his surprise and amusement at Foley’s transformation into Dude Love, complete with tie-dyed attire. The Deadman recalled the moment Foley, in character, walked down the hall, encountering him and recognizing the bemused expression on his face.

“I’ll never forget him just dropping his head and walking by [like] ‘I’m sorry.’ It’s like, ‘I can’t believe I sold for you.'”

Despite their close professional history, The Undertaker and Dude Love surprisingly never had a face-off in the ring, despite the numerous classic battles between The Undertaker and Mankind.

Speculation has recently emerged about The Undertaker potentially wrestling one more match, as suggested by a former WWE personality.