AEW Sensation Reacts to WWE SmackDown’s Ricky Starks with The Rock

AEW Sensation Reacts to WWE SmackDown's Ricky Starks with The Rock

AEW’s Ricky Starks Reacts to The Rock’s WWE SmackDown Appearance

When The Rock made his highly anticipated appearance on WWE SmackDown, clad in a signature Versace vest and chains, the wrestling world buzzed with excitement. His return to his heel persona was a nostalgic moment for fans, reminiscent of his iconic days in the ring.

Among those watching closely was AEW star Ricky Starks, who couldn’t help but notice the similarities between himself and The Rock. Taking to Twitter, Starks expressed his thoughts, saying, “The inspiration is free, absolute!”

It’s no secret that The Rock’s influence transcends company boundaries, and Starks’ acknowledgment of this speaks volumes about the respect he holds for the wrestling legend.

In a segment during the episode, The Rock took a jab at Cody Rhodes, hinting at a potential showdown at WrestleMania 40. The tension between the two wrestling worlds continues to simmer, and fans are eager to see how it unfolds.