Ex-NFL MVP Cam Newton Rumored for AEW Wrestling Debut

Ex-NFL MVP Cam Newton Rumored for AEW Wrestling Debut

Cam Newton Open to AEW Appearance: Blending NFL Stardom with Pro Wrestling

Former NFL MVP and Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton recently hinted at the possibility of making an appearance in All Elite Wrestling (AEW).

Newton expressed his openness to the idea during a conversation with AEW President Tony Khan on Fourth & 1.

Given Khan’s ties to the NFL through his executive role with the Jacksonville Jaguars, AEW has actively embraced the integration of football and professional wrestling.

The nexus between football and wrestling has a rich history, with numerous examples of former football players transitioning into successful wrestling careers.

Whether it’s athletes becoming larger-than-life personalities in the ring or current and retired players engaging in wrestling-related events, the connection between the two sports remains evident.

Newton, whose NFL career appears to have concluded, sees wrestling as a potential avenue for exploration.

In his dialogue with Khan, Newton emphasized that while he won’t dismiss any opportunities outright, his decision to venture into wrestling would hinge on practical considerations.

He remarked to Khan, “I will not say I won’t do anything, ever. So, there’s a chance. From that realm, now it comes down to, it must make sense.

When I say sense, my sense doesn’t start with an S, my ‘cents’ start with a C.”

Having claimed the NFL MVP title in 2016 and graced the stage of Super Bowl 50, Newton brings considerable star power and athleticism to any potential wrestling endeavor.

His interest in AEW hints at the ongoing evolution of sports entertainment, where boundaries between different athletic domains continue to blur.