TNT Exclusive: AEW ‘World’s End’ Unveils Startling Photo from Ex-Champion Adam Copeland

TNT Exclusive: AEW 'World's End' Unveils Startling Photo from Ex-Champion Adam Copeland

Former AEW TNT Champion Adam Copeland has finally broken his silence following his recent defeat at AEW Worlds End, sharing a graphic image of his gruesome injury on Instagram.

Captioning the intense photo, Copeland wrote, “It’s not a tumah! Now the work starts on becoming a 2-time TNT Champion.” Despite the event being less than 24 hours old, Copeland had already addressed his loss earlier on Instagram, sharing a picture of himself with the TNT Championship he briefly held before being thrust into an unexpected second match.

In that post, he lamented, “And Newwww…until I wasn’t. Contrary to this photo, last night did not go as planned.” The turn of events occurred when Killswitch (formerly known as Luchasaurus) decided to capitalize on his previously earned opportunity during the Zero Hour pre-show, thanks to the persuasion of the ‘Patriarch’ Christian Cage.

Ultimately, Killswitch opted to relinquish his title shot to Christian Cage, who went on to reclaim the TNT Championship from Adam Copeland. Unfortunately, Copeland now holds the record for the shortest-ever TNT Championship title reign.