Unveiling WWE’s Double Standards: The Rock and Vince McMahon Saga

Unveiling WWE's Double Standards: The Rock and Vince McMahon Saga

The WWE’s Handling of The Rock’s Language Sparks Accusations of Double Standards

The recent use of adult language by The Rock during his promos on WWE television has stirred up controversy, with accusations of double standards under the Vince McMahon-era regime.

While The Rock appears to have the freedom to use explicit language, other members of the roster are not granted the same luxury.

In the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer delves into this issue, remarking:

“It’s evident that he operates with a certain level of autonomy, and given his position on the Board of Directors, it’s unlikely anyone would dare confront him about it. Moreover, he’s surrounded by a team of representatives who manage any potential fallout, leaving him insulated from direct repercussions.”

Despite expectations that the era of McMahon’s preferential treatment for select stars had ended, The Rock’s actions suggest otherwise, according to insiders.

Recent reports have highlighted discomfort among some individuals regarding The Rock’s use of profanity. Additionally, The Rock himself has acknowledged pushback from networks and standards & practices regarding his language.

It has come to light that FOX, the broadcasting network for SmackDown, receives advance copies of The Rock’s scripts to facilitate censorship during broadcasts.

Much of The Rock’s explicit language has been directed towards Cody Rhodes, prompting a response from Rhodes during a recent WWE Raw episode.

Accusations have also surfaced regarding The Rock’s segment on SmackDown, with claims that it exceeded its allotted time, resulting in cuts to other parts of the show. However, Brian Gewirtz, The Rock’s writer in WWE creative, refuted these allegations, with the Observer confirming that the segment proceeded as planned.